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Who Doesn't Love a Hoodie?

Shout out to Ashley Montgomery for inspiring me to write a post on hoodies. The funny thing is that when she shared an article with me on hoodies, she had no idea that I had just acquired a new hoodie--yeah, I got a new hoodie a week ago when I visited Monhegan Island with my dad and hubs. While it wasn't quite hoodie season yet LAST weekend, this weekend it is. Last week, temps were in the 80s. As I write this post now, it's in the 40s. Hello, Maine autumn!

gray monhegan sweatshirt hoodie

This hoodie shows an image designed by Monhegan artist, Dylan Metrano. The image shows the lighthouse, museum, and boat that sits in front of it. While I have a few hoodies, mostly pullovers, years of washing and drying have caused shrinkage and fading. I needed a new hoodie that fits me now, and I love museums, so I got this one courtesy of my dad, who likes to buy me things when he visits! Love you, Dad!

What you can't see from this image is that the hoodie is a zip up. Sometimes when you're out and about, a pullover won't do. Getting out of pullovers in public can be a bit problematic. :D I'm actually wearing a pullover hoodie right now as I type this.

Hoodies are not all the same, as if you didn't know that. Consider this: what is your hoodie type? Do you have pull overs or zippers? What suits you? What's the difference in the design and how it fits?

Also think about this: why do you wear a hoodie? How does it make you feel?

In "Pride Goeth Before the Autumn," John DeVore writes:

"I have always loved hoodies. They have always been my invisibility cloak — just toss the hood over your head and poof! I also love how they make me feel about my body, my slightly chubby body. Hoodies are also the perfect accessory to any outfit which, for me, is always a pair of jeans and a button down shirt. I can just throw it on and viola! Instant good lookin’ humanoid ready to work and play.

The humble hoodies have earned a recent reputation as the business suit of choice for laid back tech billionaires who prefer to display their wealth in different ways, like super yachts the size of small New England states. I’m not saying anyone has ever mistook me for a tech billionaire while wearing a hoodie. I’ve been wearing these cowled sweatshirts and jackets since before hissing dial-up internet. But if I were ever confused with a Silicon Valley CEO I’d simply correct the person and inform them that I am, merely, one who wears hoodies and who is worn by hoodies."

Invisibility cloak! Nice! That is exactly how I feel sometimes, especially when I just don't want people looking at my upper body.

DeVore also offers this sagacious advice, which seems fitting for us at the beginning of this October:

"Please enjoy the autumn and all of the changes this season brings. I suggest you invest in a new hoodie or sweater or other cozy piece of apparel. Splurge. Start the new spiritual school year right. Drape some color on old bones. Zip up, snuggle in, put hands in pockets."

Like this? :)

P.S. Shout out to Monica Miller, too, who asked for a post on what profs wear when they grade. This is what I am wearing! Hoodies 4 Grading!

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