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Campus Recruiter; or, How to Wear a Flight Jacket

The other day I wore a modified flight jacket, also known commonly as a bomber jacket. I paired this jacket with a pair of skinny camo cargo pants and a pair of boots. Take a look:

My friend, Sabine, told me that I looked like a military recruiter! I had to laugh because in a way she was right. My outfit was inspired by military garb. Army green + camo = traditional army colors. When I paired these two items--the jacket and the pants--I thought about that. Too much army green? Nah. Another friend suggested that I was trying to hide from my students cuz you know camo....

Some close ups:

Notice that when I say "modified" jacket, I mean that the length is longer than the typical flight/bomber jacket. However, the jacket retains the color and the hallmarks of the style (pockets on the side, pocket on the front, etc.).

As for "skinny" camo cargo pants, another modification of military garb, these pants have the cargo pockets but fit like skinny jeans.

While I would happily wear a traditional bomber jacket, I would never actually wear loose-fitting camo cargo pants. I am a hipster after all, not a person actually wearing military pants.

Word to the wise: if you are going to wear items that have symbolic, or themed, cultural meaning, do not wear them straight up. You must wear derivatives. If you are going to wear these derivatives together, find a way to further spice up the look. I chose this burnt brown sleeveless tunic coupled with a hand-made clay necklace in a similar hue (given to me as a birthday present one year from my awesome husband).

If you are following my other posts from this month, you will see a theme. I have been wearing clothes that are comfortable and help me to feel confident. I felt awesome in this outfit. :)

If there might be something called "academic recruiting clothes," this could be it. Academic boot camp? English major fighting the good fight? America first? Oops. Went a little too far there. :P

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