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What to Wear While Emailing

Today is one of those days--you know, the kind of day where you wake up, check your email, and then wish you hadn't! Yes, today is a day of emailing: following up on things, responding to queries, putting out fires, and asking people to do things for you. This is my Monday. What a lot of people don't realize is how much time profs spend emailing. It's a huge part of my job; it takes up a lot of my time, too.

As I sit here drinking my latte and writing a bunch of emails, I am struck by the thought that you, dear reader, might want to know how I fashionably get through this activity. Well, I put on a kick-ass pair of athletic pants and cool sneakers. I remind myself that when this emailing is done I WILL go to the gym! I will!

Here's my outfit: turquoise CAMO tights and royal blue sneakers. How many of you know how much I love camo?

It's a gorgeous spring day today, and I will enjoy it. Somehow. Despite these emails. :)

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