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Return of the Mack; or, Dress Like a Dude

I took a hiatus from blogging, but I'm back in the game. To mark this occasion, I give you today's fashion theme: "Return of the Mack." (Inspirational music video above; please enjoy this song straight outta the 90s.)

Return of the Mack (there it is) Return of the Mack (come on) Return of the Mack (oh my God) You know that I'll be back (here I am) Return of the Mack (once again) Return of the Mack (top of the world) Return of the Mack (watch my flow) You know that I'll be back (here I go)

What better way to commemorate this return than to reach out to my readers and encourage them to find their inner "mack daddies"? See defs. 1 & 3.

About a week ago I decided to dress like a dude--jeans, t-shirt, suit jacket, and boots. You know, in a lot of ways, professional dudes don't have, or need, a lot of fashion choices. Standard dude dress listed above requires only a variation on the t-shirt, actually. Dudes can get away with wearing the same jeans, jacket, and shoes, but they must change the shirt out...occasionally. As I readied my dude attire, I realized why dudes wear this attire: it's comfortable and empowering.

I have a few suit jackets, and I chose to wear the one with built in shoulder pads. I gotta say, I liked having squarish shoulders for a day. I also liked wearing a graphic tee. I wore my I heart heart DW shirt. Doctor Who fans know why there are two hearts. I would not normally just wear a t-shirt when I teach, but with the jacket over it, why not? If dudes can do it, why can't I? I enjoyed wearing some casual jeans, too. Super comfortable. When I wear jeans on teaching days, they are usually colored jeans (hence, not true blue jeans). In the pic below you see that I wore plain, even faded out, jeans. It was a dude thing to do.

So on that day I was comfortable, no doubt. What surprised me was how confident I felt, too, and I wonder how much of this was the result of feeling manly. I will leave that right there for a second and let you ruminate on why this might be the case.

OK...just as Stella got her groove back, I found my inner mack that day. If you want to do the same, you might consider throwing a suit jacket over a pair of jeans or even a sundress. Put on a pair of kick-ass boots and rock that look. Why not? You are the best, right? (See def. 3 of mack daddy.)

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