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Halloween Orange is the New Orange (not Black)

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Do you know that there is a color called "Halloween Orange"? Yup. That's it shown above. Most people don't wear Halloween Orange routinely unless their favorite sports team's color happens to be close to Halloween Orange. (Any Florida Gator fans in the house?) Halloween Orange is typically reserved for that holiday overwrought with orangey things such as pumpkins of all sizes, candy corn, bite-sized candy, and more.

I do not consider myself an orange person, but I do own a couple of orange items: an orange sweater and an orange necklace. In the past, I would buy orange shirts, put them on, and realize that orange is just not my color. We all have certain colors that complement our skin tones. Orange is not mine. Still, I don't mind wearing orange as an accent color. My orange sweater is a cardigan, so I always wear another color under it to detract from the overwhelming orangeness of the garment. My orange necklace actually has a few orangey hues. There's Tennessee orange and Halloween orange (or, if you prefer, Gator orange).

Today I decided to do the unthinkable. I wore the orange cardigan buttoned up with the orange necklace! I also wore my orange lipstick, which I rarely wear. Believe it or not, this orange lipstick comes in an orange tube! Inconceivable!

If there is one day in the year to wear orange, and of course there is, it is today! If there is one day to pile orange upon orange, it is today! If there is one day to wear an orange cardigan with an orange necklace with an orange lipstick, IT IS TODAY!

You might think that I've violated a cardinal rule of fashion. Who wears orange on orange? Isn't it bad to double up on colors? No. It's called "monochromatic," and it's in. Want to know how to pull off the look? Read Stylishlyme for tips. I've chosen to embody the first rule: "Make sure to mix textures!" The cable knit of the sweater, mixed with the buttons, and the different shapes and textures of the necklace make this look totally OK!

In case you're worried that I look like a carrot today, fear not. I have on black pants and shoes. I'm a walking-talking Halloween ad (minus the costume) in the making. :)

This brings me to my final point--if there is a day to wear orange and black together, today is the day. Otherwise, people will say things like, "hey, it isn't Halloween." Today no one can say that to you. ;)

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