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This Old Thing?

In one of my favorite scenes from the classic movie, It's a Wonderful Life, George Bailey notices what Violet Bick, the town hottie, wears and says, "Hello, Violet. Hey, you look good; that's some dress you got on there." Her reply? "This old thing? Why, I only wear it when I don't care how I look." Upon saying this, our saucy Violet walks away smiling. If that's what she looks like when she doesn't care how she looks, you can imagine how good she looks when she actually cares.

Today I had a Violet moment. Well, kinda. Someone commented on my button-up oxford-style shirt, and I said, "Oh, thanks. I'm slumming it today." What I meant was that I didn't put too much thought into my outfit besides "here's a shirt, some jeans, and shoes." I guess I made sure that I didn't wear something completely ill fitting, but I didn't wake up this morn and go, "OK, I want to wear this shirt with these jeans." Sometimes it feels good to just pull out an old shirt and a pair of worn-in jeans and just throw them on and run out the door. Today was such a day.

Today was a non-teaching, variety-of-meetings day (one of which didn't even happen), so to be honest, I didn't really care how I looked. As you can see below, I cared so little that I took pictures for today's blog while I was sitting in my car.

While Violet knows she looks good when she says, "This old thing?" I didn't assume the same of myself today. I was actually surprised when someone said she liked my outfit. My "this old thing?" was a surprised response and a weird excuse/moment of overcompensation--not a calculated gesture to impress. I guess it goes to show that sometimes you can look just fine without trying too, and that's definitely a good thing to remember at the end of a long week! :)

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